Saturday, April 17, 2010

Cell phones are fucking with sex

So scope out these survey results about American cell phone use. Especially note this one:
“While 15% of Americans admit to putting hook ups on hold, another study, by Retrevo, reports that 36% of people under 35 confess to checking Facebook, texting, or Tweeting directly after having sex.

Is this is the most fucked up statistic of all time? Like I can understand answering your phone during sex, sometimes you’re expecting important phone calls. But what’s most startling to me is the fact that 36% of people under thirty five have checked Facebook right after they finish fucking. That’s mind boggling. Like I get that you like Facebook, but what good can possible come from checking it right after you cum? Are they writing on their fuck-buddies wall “hey thanks for that!“? I don’t get it. And the tweeting is even weirder. “just got done fucking. allll rightttt!” No one wants to see that tweet, and I guarantee if you are the person who is sending a tweet like that, you probably don’t have any friends who are looking at your twitter.

Also, notice “iPhone users are 3x more likely to check Twitter or Facebook after ‘doing the deed’ than Blackberry users.” This just further shows that iPhone users are a bunch of fucking dweebs.

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